Fantastic Tiny House In Louisville, KY

We’ve seen houses with massive windows and huge skylights, but this may be a unique and bright tiny home!

This 308-square-foot home is located in Louisville, Kentucky and costs $64,800. It features traditional styling, a glass ceiling and worth every single penny.

This house is very modern and stylish as the exterior is decorated with shades of grey and cream colors. The home has a lot of glass windows and doors.

You can find two staircases going up to the second floor. The floors are made of wood and there are beige wall boards.

The crown jewel of the house is the glass roof. Large windows provide great views of the sky and tall trees.

The kitchen has plenty of space and has oak cabinetry on top and bottom. There is also a microwave and double basin sink. A large cabinet for a refrigerator is located next to the stairs.

A loft bedroom is a great place to sleep. There is a large octagon shaped window letting in light and air.

The stairs leading up to the loft are wide enough for two people to walk side by side.

The space under the loft is a great place to store things.

The bathroom is accessed by the stairs inside the front door.

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